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Executive coaching

Facilitated conversations, mostly through asking questions, giving feedback, challenging and holding the client's agenda towards a well-defined outcome of specific improvement in personal performance. Executive coaching conversations usually involve a 20-hour commitment, after which both parties consider the way forward. Depending on the client's need, a three-way conversation with the manager, 360° assessment or other psychometric assessments can form part of the contracted process. Often clients choose to expand their coaching to include a team session based on the Enneagram. This often leads to a new and deeper understanding of each other.

Equine assisted coaching

Facilitated coaching sessions where individuals have the unique opportunity to find their own solutions to problems through a cyclical process of experiential learning and immediate feedback with the help of a horse and two facilitators.

Equine-assisted coaching consists of 30 minute equine contact sessions facilitated by the personal coach and horse specialist. It is then followed up by a coaching conversation to debrief and internalize the experience. (All activities with the horse are on the ground and no horse riding is involved). Often these sessions can lead to a profound breakthrough for anyone who is open to the experience

Stress resilience & burn-out coaching

This type of coaching is specifically designed to help individuals who are experiencing chronic stress or burnout. It combines mind and body interventions from various experts in the medical and related fields to provide a high-touch and very intense supportive environment to help these Type A individuals in the physical as well as emotional recovery, to make it a highly personal transformational journey. This type of coaching combines conversational coaching with various other bodywork techniques to ensure a holistic approach in dealing with chronic stress and burnout as an opportunity to get in touch with what really makes us successful in our lives and in our connection with others

Trauma debriefing

The De Nova Consulting approach focuses on helping individuals who recently experienced a traumatic event to return to their previous level of functioning, and to use the event as an opportunity rather than a crisis. The approach is to start the trauma debriefing as soon as possible after the event to prevent post-trauma stress disorder as far as possible. It follows four steps - rapid response, defusing the overwhelming emotional response, addressing the specific presenting symptoms and integrating the experience.

TheWork of Byron Katie

The Work is a simple, yet powerful, process of inquiry that teaches one to identify and question the thoughts that promote inner freedom and peace of mind. It is about questioning the mind – meeting thoughts with understanding and respect to notice their impact on one’s well-being and to challenge their truth. Individual facilitation and programmes on such topics as wellness, self-esteem and stress resilience are presented either face-to-face or via Skype, facilitated in-house or in public group sessions and require self-work between facilitated sessions.
It includes the following workshops that can be adjusted to specific needs

Internal coach mentoring

Depending on the need of the client organisation, the focus is on developing and delivering internal coach training in line with the identified International Coaching Federation's coaching competencies, mentoring individual internal coaches to develop experience and confidence in a safe environment or facilitating a supervisory coaching peer support group.

The design of the programme is highly depended on the need of the client organisation. In general terms: the internal coach training is conducted over a three month period and involves 14 training days; mentoring individual internal coaches is highly personalised and peer support group come together on average once a month

+27 82 852 3231

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