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Change Management





Change Management Strategy and Planning


Obtaining an understanding of the challenges and Change Management requirements and creating a strategy and roadmap to enable and support the change initiative.

Leadership Engagement and Alignment


Engaging senior leadership, creating a shared vision of the future and of the process of getting there, and establishing shared support and sponsorship for the change initiative.

Communication and Stakeholder Engagement


Engaging stakeholders in the change process, creating understanding, mobilising commitment, preparing the organisation for the change and assisting them to make the changes “stick” after the implementation.

Organisational Analysis


Assessing specific characteristics of an organisation (e.g. readiness for change) to obtain better insights of the organisation, enabling us to identify and effectively deal with potential risks and opportunities.

Change Impact Management


Proactively identifying the impacts associated with the change initiative and developing and implementing interventions to prepare the organisation for the changes and minimising the impact of these changes.

Organisation Design


Assessing, designing, and implementing structures that organise the workforce so it can perform key functions and achieve business objectives.

Organisational Engagement


Creating emotional engagement of the entire organisation into strategic topics, such as corporate strategy, vision and values. We will assist an organisation to take a strategic topic and making it operationally meaningful at an employee level.

Cultural Change


Designing, planning and implementing strategies for changing organisational culture.

In-house Change Management Framework


Designing and implementing a customised in-house Change Management framework/methodology for an organisation

Developing In-House Change Management Capability


Training, coaching and mentoring in-house Change Management consultants. 


+27 82 852 3231

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